Sunday 3 February 2013

The Ladder

Dear Donna and Classmates

I am sure you had a great week. Mine was fantastic, though I am not sure if I did well in all the tasks or not. I was really very busy this week. I was invited to deliver a lecture on Sense and Sensibility by Department of English, M. K. Bhavanagar University. Let me tell you that I was not at all prepared for this. But the students said that they enjoyed my lecture. 

Well, the articles we read acquainted us with the possible webtools that can be used to enhance our classroom teaching. The article by Krajka was exhaustive. And the article by Liang helped me understand how the use of e-books can help us teach reading skills to our learners. At the same time I must mention that the articles were really meant for me. I am going to include some of the activities suggested by Krajka in my research work. Then I participated in Week 4: Discussion - Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary. Next day I read Donna's comment and it infused confidence in me. After a successful completion of the first task, I had a 2 day break. Then I shared the problem to be addressed on  Week 4: Project Task # 3. Unfortunately I didn't receive Donna's comment on that, and therefore have no idea whether I did well or not. The third task was to prepare a lesson plan. To prepare a lesson a plan is to prepare a ladder with every rung helping us and our learners to achieve the objectives. Even a slightly broken rung will not allow you to achieve the desired goal. I was very luck to get a chance to look at some of the best lesson plans prepared by my classmates. But the lesson plan I prepared is quite different from theirs as far as the structure is concerned. I am waiting for Donna's comment so that I can repair the ladder if it is not well-constructed. Moreover Sonia's comment made it clear that the questions I had asked in my previous blog also confuse her and she finds it equally difficult to express her thoughts lucidly in her blog. 

I thank you all for being very good classmates. I need your suggestions. At last I am leaving you with a video on lesson planning. Hope you'll enjoy it. 



  1. Dear Dev,

    Do not worry so much ~ the fantastic thing about Donna is that she is quick to review and praise and generous to offer suggestions so that we can improve on our work.

    I am also happy to read that your course participants enjoyed your lecture. It feels wonderful when people give positive remarks, doesn't it? Especially when our week has been hectic and tiring...

    Thank you for sharing the video on lesson planning ~ I watched it from begin till end.


  2. Dearest Dev,

    Thank you for the video on lesson planning. Honestly, I don't like writing detailed lesson plans. Because I teach college students now and have only two subjects I usually make an outline of my lessons that works for me though. I love to teach that's why I really ask for the teaching work. I have other big tasks to do being in the public information, alumni and external affairs offices.

    Going back,I find meaning in writing lesson plans,the way Donna guided us most especially. The video is also helpful. Climbing the ladder was hard for me this week because I was sick and my head was all spinning while having all the readings. As a result I had to hold on tight to the teamwork and camaraderie. Again, thank you brother for being such a help.

    Congratulations too for your fantastic speaking engagement. You are enough sense and sensibility for the students to be captivated by your thoughts and words.


